Business Health Check

Business Health Check

On average, nearly 20% of new businesses fail within their first year. These failures can result in significant financial losses, including startup costs, operational expenses, and potential debt. While some of this may be due to bad luck, it generally comes down to a lack of experience on the owner’s part.

From a lack of planning, poor financial management, marketing and sales missteps, inability to adapt to market changes, overreliance on a single client, excessive spending on technology, or bad team hires, it can all add up to your business’s detriment and ultimate failure.

What’s the solution?

Simple- contact us for a free health check of your business plan and strategy, and we’ll identify areas for improvement.

* Free assessment
* Immediate improvements
* No risk or obligation

Local Business
We’re based locally
in the Battersea Business Centre

High Quality
Our team has over 20 years of experience in business transformation

Fast Results
You’re guaranteed to be able to make instant improvements

Community Focus
If we work together, we can build a better world for everyone